
  • FlyFish »
  • slovenian, croatian and bosnian rivers

Every flyfisherman knows that a day spent fishing is not sustracted from your life: fish every day, then, and live forever (The Pavlov’s trout, P. Quinnet 1996)


Achievement of the degree of BASIC FLYCASTING INSTRUCTOR in the Italian Flyfishing School (S.I.M.) by Roberto Pragliola

Coordinator/Instructor of the TLT International Flycasting High-School (Technical Director: Roberto Pragliola)

Flycasting courses and technical demonstrations: Belgium, France, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA (California, Utah, Washington)

Achievement of the degree of 1st DEGREE FLYCASTING INSTRUCTOR in the Italian Flyfishing School (S.I.M.) by Roberto Pragliola

Overseas Area Secretary (Spain) for the GRAYLING SOCIETY (U.K;

Member of the Pike Anglers Alliance for Scotland (

Member of the Roberto Pragliola’s TLT Academy (Italy;

More than 100 articles in European fishing and flyfishing magazines: Danica (E), Der Fliegenfischer (D) Fliegenfischen (D), Fly Line (I), Grayling (UK), Le Pêcheur de France (F), Pêche Mouche (F), Perho Kalastaja (FIN), Plaisirs de la Pêche (F)

I am actually working on a book on the dry-fly fishing for graylings with the collaboration and logistic help of the Slovenian Institute of Fisheries (Lubljana)







                   TLT, Spezieller Service


    • Under the thumb, TLT flycasting technique
    • The ladies’ prerogative
    • The lady and her mood swings



    The Grayling: an unpredictable fish or an erroneous approach?
    A preliminary approach to flyfishing for Grayling
    Can patterns of fly help us to understand puzzling Grayling refusals?
    Effect of leader tip on capture rates?
    Grayling selectivity for fly patterns as showed by diet
    Living in the same school but behaving differently; one of the keys towards grayling understanding
    Spotting dottiness; what is the meaning of the grayling’s spottiness?
    New Overseas Area Secretaries
    Fliegenfischen für die Forschung
    Und sie Steigen doch!
    Die T.LT.(1)
    Die T.LT.(2)


    Harjus ja parvi

     FLYLINE (I)

    Il temolo: pesce bizzarro od approccio sbagliato? Risultati di un approccio razionale
    Il temolo: pesce bizzarro od approccio sbagliato? Strategia di gruppo e prime conclusioni
    Pesci, situazioni & comportamento
    La trota Quasimodo ed il salmone Frankenstein (1)
    La trota Quasimodo ed il salmone Frankenstein (2)
    La trota Quasimodo ed il salmone Frankenstein (3)
    L’enigma del temolo e delle mosche secche
    Dieta del temolo e mosche artificiali
    Stesso gruppo, comportamenti differenti: un esempio reale
    Temoli e finali, realtá e mito
    Un temolo, una mosca
    Lucci in superficie
    Lucci marini
    Pescare nel torbido
    Dark side of the moon
    Ode all’iridea
    Solo per i tuoi occhi
    Lucci, perchè?
Il pesce a poids mime
I tempi delle acque mime
León sin muerte mime
    Pesca d’altura
    Stages TLT
    TLT: le lancer angulaire
    Stages TLT


    TLT: la révolution italienne
    Stages TLT en France
    Dragage en eaux vives
    L’ombre, pas capricieux du tout
    Les Mouches sèches et le régime alimentaire des ombres
    Et si ce n’était pas la faute de la mouche?
    L’énigme des sèches à ombres
    Parlons diamètre
    Brochets en surface



     DANICA (E)

    El dragado de la mosca: orígenes y reglas de un caos aparente
    Claves para localizar lucios
    Lucios entre cielo y agua
    Lucios en aguas turbias
    Lucios entre dos aguas
    Equipo y otras herramientas para lucios (parte 1)
    Equipo y otras herramientas para lucios (parte 2)
    Ese extraño vínculo entre lucios y fases lunares
    Perdidos en un mar de agua
    Lugares privilegiados antes y después de la freza
    Combinar con éxito líneas, bajos y streamers
    Oda a la trucha arco iris
Trayectorias anguladas mime
El lucio y sus cambios de humor mime
Lucios como truchas… mime
¿Tímalos imprevisibles o tímalos incomprendidos? 1 mime
¿Tímalos imprevisibles o tímalos incomprendidos? 2 mime
¿Moscas para timalos? mime
Anatomia de una mosca polivalente mime
Lucios, ¿por qué? mime
El calendario de los lucios mime
Líneas para lucios mime
Lucios: ¡mosca vs. spinning! mime
Combinaciones de color en las “moscas” para lucios mime
Cómo funciona un lucio mime
Los ríos de los lucios mime
Estrategias de primavera mime
Los ritmos del agua mime