Every flyfisherman knows that a day spent fishing is not sustracted from your life: fish every day, then, and live forever (The Pavlov’s trout, P. Quinnet 1996)
Achievement of the degree of BASIC FLYCASTING INSTRUCTOR in the Italian Flyfishing School (S.I.M.) by Roberto Pragliola
Coordinator/Instructor of the TLT International Flycasting High-School (Technical Director: Roberto Pragliola)
Flycasting courses and technical demonstrations: Belgium, France, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA (California, Utah, Washington)
Achievement of the degree of 1st DEGREE FLYCASTING INSTRUCTOR in the Italian Flyfishing School (S.I.M.) by Roberto Pragliola
Overseas Area Secretary (Spain) for the GRAYLING SOCIETY (U.K; http://www.graylingsociety.net/)
Member of the Pike Anglers Alliance for Scotland (http://www.esoxecosse.com/)
Member of the Roberto Pragliola’s TLT Academy (Italy; http://www.tltacademy.it)
More than 100 articles in European fishing and flyfishing magazines: Danica (E), Der Fliegenfischer (D) Fliegenfischen (D), Fly Line (I), Grayling (UK), Le Pêcheur de France (F), Pêche Mouche (F), Perho Kalastaja (FIN), Plaisirs de la Pêche (F)
I am actually working on a book on the dry-fly fishing for graylings with the collaboration and logistic help of the Slovenian Institute of Fisheries (Lubljana)