Bettega C., Delgado M.M., Campioni L. and Penteriani V. 2012 Posted on 8 febrero, 2014 por adminVin Chick’s quality and breeding output do not differ between first and replacement clutches in the Eagle Owl Bubo bubo. Ornis Fennica.
Campioni L., Lourenço R., Delgado M.M. and Penteriani, V. 2012 Posted on 8 febrero, 2014 por adminVin Breeders and floaters use different habitat cover: should habitat use be a social status-dependent strategy? Journal of Ornithology.
Penteriani V. and Delgado M.M. 2012. Posted on 8 febrero, 2014 por adminVin There is a limbo under the moon: what social interactions tell us about the floaters’ underworld. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.