Fake news under the canopy: experimental evidences of cheating in chemical and visual communication in a solitary mammal
Archivo de la categoría: Scientific articles in international journals with peer review (SCI)
Zarzo-Arias A., Heeres R.W., Hertel A.G., Leclerc M., Frank S., Steyaert S.M.J.G., Kindberg J., Swenson J.E., Penteriani V., Pelletier F., Zedrosser A.
The landscape of love” – sex-specific habitat-use during the mating season in a solitary large carnivore
Torres-Romero E.J., Penteriani V., Chávez C., Saldaña-Vázquez R.A., Nuñez R., González Rojas J.I., Sunny A., Calatayud J.
Cumulative effects of human activity and land use change on livestock depredations by large carnivores in Mexico. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation
Penteriani V., González-Bernardo E., Díaz D., Benjumea R., González González M.A., Prado Iglesias A., Zarzo-Arias A., García-Sánchez P., Torres-Romero E.J., Russo L.F., Delgado M.M.
Diel activity patterns of a semi-aquatic carnivore in human-modified landscapes: insights from European otter behaviour
Penteriani V.
Mammal coloration as a social signal: The debate is still open. A comment on Howell and Caro. Journal of Zoology
Baskin L., Penteriani V.
Characteristics of brown bear encounters with humans in the Russian Federation
Torres-Romero E.J., Eppley T., Ripple W., Krofel M., Newsome T., Carter N., Ordiz A., de Oliveira T., Selva N., Penteriani V.
Global Scale Assessment of the Human-Induced Extinction Crisis of Terrestrial Carnivores
Gordon I.J., Sollmann R., Rantanen E.M., Johnson J.A., Evans K.L., Penteriani V., Boersch-Supan P.
Ten years on for the Letter from the Conservation Front Line. Animal Conservation
Penteriani V., Delgado M.M., Kojola I., Heikkinen S., Fedorca A., García-Sánchez P., Fedorca M., Find’o S., Skuban M., Balbontín J., Zarzo-Arias A., Falcinelli D., Ordiz A., Swenson J.E.
Mating from a female perspective: Do brown bear females play a more active role than previously assumed?
Valderrábano E., Penteriani V., Vega I., Delgado M.M., González-Bernardo E., Bombieri G., Sánchez-Andrade R., Zarzo-Arias A., Paz-Silva A.
Influence of seasonality and biological activity on infection by Helmints in Cantabrian brown bears. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife