Fake news under the canopy: experimental evidences of cheating in chemical and visual communication in a solitary mammal
Archivo de la categoría: Submitted
Zarzo-Arias A., Heeres R.W., Hertel A.G., Leclerc M., Frank S., Steyaert S.M.J.G., Kindberg J., Swenson J.E., Penteriani V., Pelletier F., Zedrosser A.
The landscape of love” – sex-specific habitat-use during the mating season in a solitary large carnivore
Penteriani V., González-Bernardo E., Díaz D., Benjumea R., González González M.A., Prado Iglesias A., Zarzo-Arias A., García-Sánchez P., Torres-Romero E.J., Russo L.F., Delgado M.M.
Diel activity patterns of a semi-aquatic carnivore in human-modified landscapes: insights from European otter behaviour
Baskin L., Penteriani V.
Characteristics of brown bear encounters with humans in the Russian Federation
Torres-Romero E.J., Eppley T., Ripple W., Krofel M., Newsome T., Carter N., Ordiz A., de Oliveira T., Selva N., Penteriani V.
Global Scale Assessment of the Human-Induced Extinction Crisis of Terrestrial Carnivores
Penteriani V., Delgado M.M., Kojola I., Heikkinen S., Fedorca A., García-Sánchez P., Fedorca M., Find’o S., Skuban M., Balbontín J., Zarzo-Arias A., Falcinelli D., Ordiz A., Swenson J.E.
Mating from a female perspective: Do brown bear females play a more active role than previously assumed?
Lucas P.M. et al. (88 authors)
Food web is key to understand the effects of global changes on biodiversity