Global Scale Assessment of the Human-Induced Extinction Crisis of Terrestrial Carnivores
Archivo del Autor: adminVin
Gordon I.J., Sollmann R., Rantanen E.M., Johnson J.A., Evans K.L., Penteriani V., Boersch-Supan P.
Ten years on for the Letter from the Conservation Front Line. Animal Conservation
Penteriani V., Delgado M.M., Kojola I., Heikkinen S., Fedorca A., García-Sánchez P., Fedorca M., Find’o S., Skuban M., Balbontín J., Zarzo-Arias A., Falcinelli D., Ordiz A., Swenson J.E.
Mating from a female perspective: Do brown bear females play a more active role than previously assumed?
To present – IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group
Scientific Committee for Wildlife Research at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Pino García Sánchez (co-direction with A. Uzal, A. Fedorca and M.M. Delgado), University of Nottingham (UK), National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN, CSIC) and Biodiversity Research Institute (Univ. Oviedo-CSIC-Princ. Asturias)
Brown bear spatial distribution shifts and expansion towards new areas in Europe. Facing new conservation scenarios for brown bear expansion in Europe
Daniele Falcinelli (co-direction with P. Ciucci and M.M. Delgado), University La Sapienza (Rome, Italy), National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN, CSIC) and Biodiversity Research Institute (Univ. Oviedo-CSIC-Princ. Asturias)
Movement ecology and connectivity in a trans-boundary European brown bear population.
Valderrábano E., Penteriani V., Vega I., Delgado M.M., González-Bernardo E., Bombieri G., Sánchez-Andrade R., Zarzo-Arias A., Paz-Silva A.
Influence of seasonality and biological activity on infection by Helmints in Cantabrian brown bears. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife
Penteriani V., Kojola I., Heikkinen S., Find’o S., Skuban M., Fedorca A., García-Sánchez P., Zarzo-Arias A., Balbontín J., Delgado M.M.
Livin’ on the edge: Reducing infanticide risk by maintaining proximity to potentially less infanticidal males. Animal Behaviour
Department of Evolutionary Ecology, National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN, CSIC)