The Bonelli’s eagle in Andalusia: status, population trends in the breeding areas and juvenile dispersal. Junta de Andalucía, Spain. Leading researcher: M. Ferrer


The application of individual-based modelling to the study of dispersal of the Spanish imperial and Bonelli’s eagles. Junta de Andalucía, Spain. Leading researcher: M. Ferrer


Conservation and Management of birds of prey and owls in the Pollino National Park (Calabria, southern Italy). Pollino National Park, Italy. Leading researchers: M. Pandolfi and M. Ferrer


Synthesis and analysis of the bibliography on the Egyptian vulture for the conservation plan of the species in France. Ministry of Environment and Natural Park of Luberon, France. Leading researcher: M. Gallardo


Multi-level analysis of an eagle owl population in southern France: structure of the population, social interactions and the effect of rabbit myxomatosis on breeding outputs and distribution. Natural Park of Luberon, France. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani


Natural Reserve “Valle Del Foro” (Majella-Abruzzi): the goshawk as a bioindicator of high-quality stands and implications for logging of old-growth forests. National Park of Majella, Italy. Leading researcher: M. Pellegrini