
Technical support for the realisation of the brown bear telemetry project in Castile and Leon. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani. Financed by Dirección General de Patrimonio Natural y Política Forestal de la JCYL


A step forward for the conservation of threatened species in Spain: brown bear telemetry in the Cantabrian Mountains. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani (with Javier Balbontín, Nuria Fandos, Andrés Ordiz, Jon Swenson et al). Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Agencia Estatal de Investigación, with FEDER cofinancing


First telemetry project to study subadult dispersal in the small, isolated and
endangered brown bear population in the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain). Financed by the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA, USA)


The brown bear in the Cantabrian Mountains as an eample of the coexistence between humans and large carnivores in human-modified landscapes. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani (with Ricardo García González -IPE-, Andrés Ordiz, André Ganswindt, Pablo Vázquez). Financed by Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (with FEDER cofinancing)


Brown bear behaviour in human-dominated landscapes: the effect of human density and ecotourism. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani (with A. Zarzo and M.M. Delgado, Research Unit of Biodiversity-UMIB). Financed by the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA, USA)


Testing for a protocol to monitor stress hormone metabolites in brown bear scats. Leading researchers: Vincenzo Penteriani and Fredrick Dalerum (with A. Ganswindt, A. Ordiz, M.M. Delgado, C. Bettega, V. Vazquez, T. Sánchez Corominas). Financed by the Principado de Asturias, Spain


The gardener owl: indirect seed dispersal and soil nutrient enrichment may enhance local plant biodiversity and alter its spatial distribution (with José María Fedriani University of Lisboa POR and María del Mar Delgado University of Helsinki FIN; internal EBD proposal call “Microproyectos” financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the Severo Ochoa Program for Centres of Excellence in R+D+I SEV-2012-0262)



Behavioural interactions between top- and meso-predators. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani (with Erkki Korpimäki University of Turku FIN, María del Mar Delgado, Pertti Saurola & Jari Valkama University of Helsinki FIN, Patrik Byholm University of Novia FIN, Rui Lourenço University of Evora POR, Giacomo dell’Omo Ornis Italica/TecnoSmArt)


Distribution and density of the eagle owl Bubo bubo in the Park of Sirente-Velino (Abruzzo). Natural Park of Sirente-Velino, Italy. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani (with María del Mar Delgado) (http://www.parcosirentevelino.it/index.php)


Linking Dispersal Strategies with Population Dynamics. Finnish Academy. Leading researcher: María del Mar Delgado (with Otso Ovaskainen University of Helsinki -Metapopulation Research Group- FIN, Juan Manuel Morales Universidad Nacional del Comahue ARGENTINA, Vincenzo Penteriani EBD- CSIC)