26th International Conference on Bear Research and Management (Ljubljana, Slovenia), IBA 2018, Responses of a brown bear population to climate change based on predictable food resource alterations (Alejandra Zarzo-Arias, Carlos A. Lopez-Sánchez, Alís Novo-Fernández, Giulia Bombieri & Vincenzo Penteriani) (2)
Archivo de la categoría: Other forms of participation in conferences, workshops and symposia: (1) oral presentations and (2) posters
5th European Congress of Conservation Biology (Jyväskylä, Finland), ECCB, Large carnivore attacks on humans: a worldwide study to investigate spatial-temporal patterns, triggering factors, scenarios, and species attributes (G. Bombieri, M.M. Delgado, P. Pedrini & V. Penteriani) (1)
24th International Conference on Bear Research and Management (Anchorage, Alaska), IBA 2016, The influence of human behaviour as a factor triggering bear attacks in North America (V. Penteriani, M.M. Delgado, J.M. Fedriani, S. Herrero & J.V. López-Bao) (2)
24th International Conference on Bear Research and Management (Anchorage, Alaska), IBA 2016, Brown bear attacks on humans in Europe: an overview for the period 2000-2015 (Naves J., C. Bautista, J.J. Camarra, S. Chiriac, P. Ciucci, A. Dutsov, I. Dykyy, A. Fernández-Gil, J. Frank, A. García-Rodríguez, C. Groff, B. Gutleb, S. Härkönen, A.A. Karamanlidis, P. Khoetcky, I. Kojola, M. Krofel, J.V. López-Bao, P. Männil, D. Melovski, Y. Mertzanis, H. Norberg, S. Palazón, L.M. Pătrașcu, P.Y. Quenette, E. Revilla, R. Rigg, V. Sahlén, N. Selva, M. Shkvyria, V. Sidorovich, O. StØen, J. Swenson, P. Wabakken, T. Zwijacz-Kozica & V. Penteriani) (2)
XII Congreso de la SECEM, Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (Burgos, Spain), Brown bear attacks on humans in the Cantabrian Mountains during the last forty years (1975-2015) (Naves, J., Fernández-Gil, A., Revilla E. & Penteriani, V.) (1)
XVII CIO (Italian Congress of Ornithology, Trento, Italy), Repeatability of movement parameters inside home range boundaries in a long-lived species: the eagle owl Bubo bubo (L. Campioni, M.M. Delgado, C. Bettega, V. Penteriani) (2)
10th Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union (Badajoz, E), Why do vertebrate
top predators engage in complex predatory and competitive interactions?
(R. Lourenço, M.M. Delgado, L. Campioni, F. Goytre, J.E. Rabaça, E. Korpimäki, V. Penteriani) (2)
10th “Ecology and Behaviour” Meeting, Montpellier (France), Genetic signatures of demographic changes in an avian top predator during the last century:
bottlenecks and expansions of the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) in the Iberian Peninsula (E. Graciá, I. Almodóvar, J. Ortego, G. Blanco, M.M. Delgado, V. Penteriani, J.A. Godoy, J.M. Pérez-García, J.A. Sánchez-Zapata, F. Botella) (2)
9th Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union (Norwich, UK) Individual consistency in movement pattern in eagle owl Bubo bubo (L. Campioni, M.M. Delgado, Z. Tablado and V. Penteriani) (2)
International Conference on Conservation Biology (Edmonton, Canada) Breeding vs. settlement areas: a lesson for conservation biology (M.M. Delgado and V. Penteriani) (2)